A comment on a BtVS Facebook community I follow sent me off on a chase for a reference, and now I've just spent a couple of days fruitlessly plowing through old LJ entries, trying to find the one I was thinking of. It was a poll about whether people preferred Spuffy fic where Spike was souled or unsouled, and I cannot for the life of me remember who the author was. Not me, apparently. Maybe St. Salieri, or Gabriellabelle? I can search my own entries on DW for keywords, but there's no way to search individual journals on LJ. There used to be LJSeek, but that appears to be pushing up the daisies. So the only option is to pick a journal, go to its archive page, and start clicking links. Needless to say I was not successful, since I can't remember for sure who posted it, and I can only narrow down the posting range to "Some time between 2005 and 2010."
I mean, I remember that it came out about even, with most people picking "Either is fine," but I want to be able to cite my sources, darn it.
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