Ho ho ho

Dec 25, 2021 22:34

Christmas has been accomplished. Kathy's mom flew in today; luckily her flight was not one of the many that got canceled. She'll be here tomorrow and leave Monday. I'm glad she was able to be here. It will be four years since Mom's death in a few days, and I've been feeling a little melancholy.

The pomegranates are ripe - at least, the ones on the oldest bush are. The ones on the two new bushes didn't ripen at all last year - they looked red on the outside, but the arils were still white inside, and stayed that way till all the leaves fell off the bushes, at which point it's basically hopeless. This year they're at least pink, but due to the leaf-footed beetle infestation, there aren't many of them. I picked some of them, and will see if I can peel them in the next couple of days. I'm halfway hoping that they're no good, because I peeled half the ones from The Good Bush a few days ago, and peeling a dozen-plush pomegranates is really hard on the fingernails. And there are still at least a dozen left on The Good Bush. Either way I need to let my fingernails heal up before tackling more.

(Yeah, I know, there are all those Youtube videos which purport to make deseeding pomegranates easy and fast. They never work for me.)

In any case, once I have them all peeled I'm going to attempt pomegranate jelly. Fingers crossed.
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