
Aug 25, 2020 21:55

After the Incident of the Niece's Stuff, I re-packed all of said Stuff in plastic bins, because we were going to have to keep it on the back porch, and on the slim chance that we got any rain this sorry excuse for a monsoon season, I did not want it getting damaged. And a good thing I did, because last Thursday we got the first and so far only Real Storm of the summer -- a good two or three hours of pouring rain and winds so high that the rain was blowing it into the porch horizontally. Yay for forethought!

This last weekend we took Monday and Tuesday off, and spent four days tiling the office room. It was moderately backbreaking, as the office room, while small, has three desks, two filing cabinets, three shelves of assorted sizes, and a small cabinet crammed into it, and all of those (including everything that was in/on them) had to be moved out, and then moved back in. And that's not to mention the tiling itself. However, it came out looking pretty nice. I messed up the measurements on the row of tiles next to the far wall a bit -- they had to be cut, I thought to seven inches, but as it turned out, probably seven and a half would have been better. The grout line next to the wall is wider than I would have ideally liked it to be, but it's all going to be covered with desks, so no one will ever see it.

On the bright side, fed up with the jury-rigged pile of clamps, old boards, and random "I just need it a quarter of an inch higher in this side!" crap I have assembled to support the tiles on prior occasions when I have needed to cut them, I built myself a nice solid tile-cutting platform which fits across two sawhorses, and is infinitely less likely to collapse and result in either electrocution or the loss of digits. (I love my wet/dry tile saw, but using something that combines water and electricity is always a challenge.)

So anyway, I'm a little sore. I bought enough of the same tile to do the living room with, too, but we'll probably wait on that for a few weeks to allow time for recovery.
Talk to me

barb builds stuff

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