Watching the Democratic debates, if you can't tell. Ugh. You can't tell me this kind of screaming match is changing anyone's mind about anything.
So while I'm still twiddling my thumbs and waiting for shared drive access at work, my supervisor has been giving me query exercises with the database to see what my skill level is. So far, they've been dead easy. The only issues I'm having are A) unfamiliarity with the database, and B) SAS is very, VERY different from Business Objects, not just in terminology and the way it's laid out, but in that it uses a different flavor of SQL. So I'm constantly writing code that would work in BOB, getting error messages, and rewriting it, muttering "Case statements, not nested Ifs!" under my breath. I feel as if I'm quite slow at it, but my supervisor is delighted, and seems to think I'm a speed demon.
Rants Talk to me