When life gives you crumbs, make crumb cake

Aug 27, 2019 20:44

Or in this case, bread pudding. I tried making whole wheat fig bread the other day. The recipe called for dried figs, but I was trying to use up some fresh ones, and I added a lot more than the recipe called for. So I ended up with way too much moisture in the dough. I realized as much, and managed to more-or-less salvage it to the point where it baked into recognizable loaves, but they have that coarse grainy texture that too-moist dough ends up with. And in a whole wheat bread, which isn't very elastic anyway, that means that the loaves just crumble up into bits when sliced.

After a few unsuccessful sandwiches, I decided to make bread pudding out of one of the loaves. I used the Joy of Cooking New Orleans Bread Pudding recipe, with a few modifications -- no raisins, since the bread already had figs in it; the bread being whole wheat rather than white, and the only milk I had on hand was 2% rather than whole. And god damn, it came out FANTASTIC. NOM NOM NOM.

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