
Aug 26, 2019 23:17

Inspection successfully concluded today. Closet is tiled and painted, and we've finished the modifications to the two shelving units and moved them into the closet. Next steps are to finish painting the rest of the bedroom (it's about half done now), and get the little wooden bracket things that will allow us to hang the clothes rods between the shelving units. (This is going to be a double-rod arrangement.) I'm going to put a center support in which will hold the rods up in the middle -- I have one of those circle saw drill bits which they use to cut holes for doorknobs, and I will use that to cut holes the the center support board, and the rods will thread through it. I'll cut and stain the center board tomorrow, and trim the ends off the rods -- they're just a skinch too long. (Which is infinitely better than being a skinch too short.) We'll have to run over to Lowe's for the brackets, though, and I don't know if we can get over there before the weekend.

The last step is going to be putting together the shelf which will run across the top of the whole thing, from one shelving unit to the other. The shelving units are twenty inches deep, and they don't sell single boards which are twenty inches across. So I've got a 12'x8" board and a 12'x12" board, and I'm going to drill holes along one side of each, and use little pieces of quarter-inch dowel and lots of wood glue to peg them together. Then you clamp it till it's dry, and sand the hell out of the join. I've done this before when making shelves, but never with one so long -- it's going to be about eleven feet long when finished. Hopefully I can get the peg holes to align properly. If it works, we then nail the whole thing down to the top of both shelving units and the center support board, and we will have a custom closet installation! We're hoping to have it all done by the end of the long weekend, and then we can see about tiling the bedroom floor.

Talk to me

barb builds stuff

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