Survey meme

Nov 14, 2018 21:22

(Stolen from

Marriages: One. We ran over to California in 2008 the second it was legal, got married at the Orange County Courthouse, spent the weekend at Disneyland, and then came home and threw a reception at our house the next weekend.

πŸ’” Divorces: None.

🍼 Children: None. Back when we were young and energetic, IVF was vastly too expensive, and the legal difficulties with same-sex adoption in Arizona were not small (and it's also vastly expensive.) I sort of mildly regret it now and then, especially now that I'm getting to the age where I think about how we'll deal when we get even older, but overall, I think I'm happy with our life as it is.

🐦 Pets right now: Bo (Lab/Shepherd-of-some-kind mix, we think), Churro and Cairo (Siamese mixes), Ma-San and Little Bit (alley cats of the finest kind.)

βš•οΈ Surgeries: I had all four wisdom teeth extracted, but that's it.

βœ’ Tattoos: Nope.

πŸ‘‚πŸΌ Piercings: Two piercings in each earlobe.

βœ‹πŸΌ Quit a job: Once. I worked at a bookbindery at which the pay was low and the benefits non-existent, and the owners let everyone go for two weeks without pay every Christmas, so that they could shut the place down and kite off to their vacation home in Hawaii. I hope they were first against the wall when the revolution came.

🌴 Been to an Island: Many.

🚘 What do you drive: 2015 Toyota Highlander.

✈️ Flown on a plane: Quite a few times.

🍹 Favorite Drink: Coconut water.

❀ Fallen in love: Yep.

πŸ’” Been cheated on: Not that I'm aware of.

πŸš‘ Rode in ambulance: Nope, though I probably should have at least once. The time I fell off my bike, several bystanders offered to call one, but I told them no, I couldn't afford it, the fall having completely knocked out of my head the concept of insurance. (At the time, I had awesome, incredible, platinum-level insurance -- the company ditched it for something cheaper several years ago, alas.)

🎀 Sang karaoke: A couple of times

❄ Ice skating: Once, maybe twice? It did not go well. I couldn't go more than a foot or two without falling down.

πŸ„ Been surfing: No

🚒 Been on a Cruise: Several

🏍 Rode on a motorcycle: Nope.

🏍 Own a motorcycle: Nope.

🐴 Rode on a horse: Only at Girl Scout camp as a kid.

😲 Almost died: Maybe? There was one time in college when we went rock climbing, and I got into a position beyond my skill to get out of, and was stuck, and could very easily have fallen fifty feet to a nasty death, or at least many broken bones, on sharp pointy rocks. Luckily, a friend got to me and helped me down. This is also why I have a fear of heights; it's gotten better over the years, but for quite awhile I couldn't get anywhere near a drop without having a mild panic attack. I still don't like them very much, unless I have something sturdy to hang on to.

And I have had assorted close calls in traffic over the years.

πŸ₯ Stayed in a hospital: Nope.

πŸ‘ Favorite fruit: Cherries? Or maybe blueberries.

πŸŒ“ Favorite Day: Saturdays.

🌈 Favorite color: Blue

πŸ“² Last phone call: With my brother.

πŸ“± Last text: I think it was to a friend, letting them know that we had arrived at the place where we were meeting them.

πŸ’€ Watch someone pass: If pets count, then yes. I didn't get to be there with my mother or my sister or my father.

🍡️ Coffee or Tea: Tea. I only like coffee when it's heavily adulterated with cream and sugar. But honestly, I'd rather have milk/juice/water than either.

🍽🍰 Favorite pie: Cherry, berry, or peach.

πŸ• Favorite pizza: Thin crust, pesto, chicken, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, black olives, fresh basil, and feta cheese.

🐢 Cats or dogs: Yes.

🌞 Favorite Season: Spring.

πŸŽƒ Favorite holiday: I... don't know. I would have said Christmas once, but right now it's still too closely associated with Mom's death for me to feel festive about it.

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