Weekend Roundup

Nov 11, 2018 20:49

Logged in to work early so I could log off at three. Went to get hair cuts. Mine came out perfect; Kathy less happy with hers (though I think it looks fine.) Grabbed a burger at Shake Shack and went directly to weekly RPG group.
Got up early. Started laundry. Kathy still asleep, so I walked the dog. Kathy just getting up when I got home, said she wasn't feeling 100%. Hung up laundry. Despite Kathy not being 100%, went to a birthday celebration for one of the RPG group at World Wildlife Zoo. WWZ has expanded a lot since we were last there, and is a really cool zoo - shame it's so far away, but that's why they've been able to expand; they're out in the boonies where land is still relatively cheap. Spent the day there and had dinner at the barbecue place adjacent to the zoo.
By the time we got home, Kathy was really starting to feel bad, and by the time we went to bed, she had a full-on head cold. I didn't sleep too well as she was hacking and wheezing all night.
Kathy sick as a dog. I figure that I had better get as much done as possible before I catch whatever it is she has, so I get up early, start the second load of laundry, clean the stove, do the dishes, research growing conditions for sugar cane in the Phoenix area (Kathy picked up some sprouting sugar cane at the farmer's market last weekend, and we need to figure out where to plant it). Then I do some yard work, hang up the laundry, and change the filter on the air conditioner/heater unit. Notice for the 3,472th time that the crappy little pressboard shelves we have stacked up in the kitchen closet are very wobbly, and resolve to find a replacement. Kathy awake by now but not really functional. I make her some tea, and bake a peach pie. It's not very photogenic because there were a lot of peaches I needed to use up, and it's kind of lumpy. Tastes good, though.
Make Kathy more tea and toast, and run out to do shopping. Head to Tuesday Morning and find an acceptable shelving unit for the kitchen closet. It's overpriced, but I'm in a hurry, it's real wood and not pressboard, and it's the right size, so I alarm the sales people by lugging it up to the cashier myself, and buy it. Stop at the grocery store on the way home to grab lettuce and cereal. As I'm unloading the new shelving unit from the car, I notice that the bottom shelf is attached in a half-assed way, just sort of glued in.
I decide to put a few nails into the bottom shelf to make sure it stays put. I take it out to the back porch, get hammer and nails from the shed, and proceed to ruin a dozen nails in a row trying to hammer through what is apparently the Hardest Wood In Existence. Finally I say screw it and break out the drill. Though I do not actually screw it, I just use the 1/16 drill bit to make teeny guide holes for the nails. Bottom shelf secured, I drag the new shelf in and drag the old shelf out, and rearrange all the stuff.
Kathy's watching a bunch of old cooking shows on PBS (Julia Child old) so I veg out through a few of them. By this time Bo is starting to agitate, so I take him for his walk, and when I get back I warm up leftovers from the barbeque place for dinner. I make some soup for Kathy, get my winter sweaters out of storage as the news claims that the temperature is going to drop into the 60s in the next few days, check Flight Rising to make sure my dragons made it through the server migration, and here I am.
Damn it, I never did bring the laundry in.
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my boring life

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