40 Odd Things About Me Meme

Sep 15, 2018 23:45

(Stolen from Shadowkat. None of these questions strike me as particularly odd, but what the hell.)

1. Do you like blue cheese?

Yes - love them skeezy cheeses.

2. Coke or Pepsi?

Neither. I gave up caffeine a long time ago.

3. Do you own a gun?


4. What flavor of Kool-aid?

None. Don't like it.

5. Hot dogs?

Very occasionally. I have to be in a hotdog mood, and they have to be really good hotdogs. I prefer bratwurst or Italian sausage. When I do have them, I like them with mustard and sauerkraut.

6. Favorite tv show?

Currently? Probably The Good Place.

7. Do you believe in ghosts?


8. What do you drink in the mornings?

Water, milk, or coconut water.

9. Can you do a push-up?

Not really. I'm working up to it.

10. Favorite Jewelry?

A pair of silver and opal earrings I got at the Tempe Art Fair last year.

11. Favorite hobby?

Writing, when it's working.

12. Do you have ADD?

No idea. I've never been evaluated by a medical professional. My mother always claimed that if I'd been born twenty years later, I would have been diagnosed as ADD, but I grew up in the 60s, so I was just labeled disruptive and fidgety. However, I grew out of that kind of behavior by... fourth grade or so, I think? Or maybe I just learned how to channel more constructively. I've read the lists of symptoms, and some of them do apply to me, but some of them don't, so who knows. If I am, I've learned to cope with it reasonably well.

13. Do you wear glasses?


14. Favorite cartoon character?

Bugs Bunny.

15. Three things you did yesterday:

Took the dog for a walk, played Minecraft, and pored obsessively over the polls on Fivethirtyeight.com.

16. Apparently, there is no 16.

17. Current worries?

Whether or not we're in for another round of layoffs at work, the probability that democracy is in a worldwide hellish death spiral, and assorted minor health issues.

18. Do you believe in magic?


19. Favorite place to be?

I don't have a single favorite, but one of them is an interesting second-hand/antique store.

20. How did you ring in the new year?

At home with a few friends.

21. Where would you like to go?

Great Britain.

22. Name five people who will participate in this.

Shan't, and you can't make me.

23. Favorite movie?

Singing in the Rain.

24. Favorite color?


25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

No. They're slippery and annoying.

26. Can you whistle?


27. Where are you now?

In my chair in the living room.

28. Where would you rather be right now?

Where I SHOULD be is in bed.

29. Favorite food?

Sashimi. Or homemade cherry pie. Or dark chocolate with sea salt. It depends.

30. Thing you hate most to do?

Talk to strangers.

31. Best job you can think of?

I'm pretty happy with the one I have.

32. What's in your pockets?


33. Last thing that made you laugh?

A joke someone made at our RPG meeting earlier this evening. It was one of those 'you had to be there' things.

34. Favorite animal?


35. What's your most recent injury?

A blister on my hand from mowing the lawn this afternoon.

36. How many TVs are in your house?

Two. But only because we inherited Mom's TV when she passed on, and my wife won't let me get rid of it. (If she had her way, we'd have one in every room.)

37. Worst pain ever?

It's a tie. Worst Pain #1 was the time I had to have all four sideways impacted wisdom teeth removed from my jaws with a bone saw. I came to in the middle of the operation and they had to give me more anesthetic. Afterwards I was too nauseated from the anesthetic and all the blood I'd swallowed to keep any pain meds down, and I remember just lying in bed crying for an entire weekend, too sore and sick to do anything. I couldn't eat for days. Worst Pain #2 was the time I fell off of my bike without a helmet, and smacked face-first into the pavement, and had to go to the emergency room. I remember walking into the house, looking at my mangled face in the mirror, and thinking, "Huh, maybe I do need to go to the hospital," and a few fragments of walking to the car, and then (according to my wife) I lost all memory of the previous two months for about half an hour, and kept asking her where I was and why my head hurt. My next memory is of us getting out of the car at the hospital, and being descended upon by nurses. I think the wisdom teeth may actually have been worse pain-wise, because I was in shock for a lot of the worst of the bike accident, but the bike accident involved more area (I also wrenched a toe and fucked up both hands) and took longer to recover from. It's really hard to choose.

38. Do you like to dance?

No. I'm very bad at it and I find it intensely embarrassing to flop around in front of strangers.

39. Are your parents still alive?

No. My father died when I was seventeen, and my mother died last year.

40. Do you enjoy camping?

Yes, very much.

Talk to me

#1, my boring life, #2, meme

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