Write something, Barb

Sep 15, 2018 22:45

Uuuuugh I've been meaning to make a post for weeks, but I keep not doing it. Lessee... exciting developments in my life:

1. A week or so after the tree out front broke in half, we had another big storm, and the remaining big branch on the other side broke off, too. So now we have a denuded-looking trunk with sad, stumpy half-branches left. It's a pretty fast-growing tree, so it should recover in a few years, but in the meantime, it's pretty pathetic looking.

2. We are definitely going to see my mother in law in Florida for Christmas. Only for four days, so we'll have a few days of holiday time to recover when we get home, before we have to go back to work.

3. I am working on Chapter 14 of A Parliament of Monsters again, and have about 7500 words of first draft written. There are three scenes left to go. I had to go back and re-read some of the previous chapters to get back in the groove with my own versions of the characters, since most of the fandom discussion of late has been about the annoying developments in Season 12, and the probability of the conclusion sucking even more than Chosen did. (Oh, sure, NOW everyone loves Chosen, but that was not at all the case when it aired. Maybe twenty years from now people will be fawning over Season 12, too, but somehow I doubt it.)

I have a weird relationship with BtVS canon, because although my own 'verse is way AU, I try very hard to ground my characters in their canon selves. However it pains me to say it, S12 may end up being my breaking point, where I have to say, "Nope, not canon for me." The problem is not that I can't fanwank Buffy's 180 from the end of S11; I can fanwank anything if I have to. It's just that doing so puts me back in a place where I don't like Buffy very much, and I don't like being in that place. For all the quibbles I have about seasons 10 & 11, I liked Buffy in them, and felt like I understood where she was coming from and why she did and said the things she did, and that was so so nice after so many years/seasons of feeling grumpy about the writing choices for the main character in the franchise. The Buffy in S12 feels like a completely different person, and I still don't see any good in-story reason for that to be so.

4. I chucked some money at the Pillowfort kickstarter, and distributed the startup codes I got to the populace on Tumblr, hoping to convert them to the joys of threaded comments.

5. I found two random Minecraft seeds in a row where a woodland mansion generates within two thousand blocks of the spawn point (though in one case, it only generates in 1.12, not in 1.13, a problem I solved by creating the world in 1.12, teleporting to the mansion coordinates to generate that block, immediately closing the world and reloading it in 1.13.)

That's really about it. I want very badly to start working on some projects for the long term improvement of the back yard, but it's still too hot, and anyway I can't buy materials until I pay off the plane tickets to Florida. (Buying plane tickets to Orlando on Christmas week is... let's just say all our flights are red-eyes.)

Talk to me

btvs, comics, my boring life

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