Prompts for me?

May 02, 2016 20:39

We got a fair amount of work done on the gazebo the last two weekends. My camera battery seems to have conked out, though, so I I need to replace it to take pictures ( Read more... )

seasonal spuffy, my boring life, writing

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torrilin May 3 2016, 13:16:34 UTC
Connie/Lawson story, they're off again and it's dramatic and angsty and mom and dad keep trying to cope without laughing at her, acquiring a pregnant daughter (again) from make up sex, letting on to the grandkid(s) what's wrong etc. You know, usual teenage drama antics, only Connie's not a teenager and she's got a kid and Buffy has to keep sitting on Spike so he won't try and arrange Connie's marriage for her. (No idea what the annoying monsters that aren't toddlers should be, sorry)

Dawn/Gunn adventure that they drag Spike along for and there's lots of Buffy-pining.

The Wand of Teresias rides again. This time with no accidental sex change antics. On purpose maybe, but not accidental. Buffy's meticulously planned quickie is interrupted by a monster of the week.

More of what happened in Pylea and lots of Vamp!kitty!Spike.

Cordy campaigning in Sunnydale and figuring out how to get out the demon vote for her.

Evie has a Plan. It works better than a Spike plan? Or it works better than a Spike plan where he doesn't have Buffy or Dru backstopping him anyway. This does not mean it is a Good Plan. Buffy has to rescue Evie.

Willow dishes with Buffy about the Thing with Harmony. There is girly bonding.


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:20:36 UTC
I'd like to do more Pylea. I just have never been able to come up with a good theme to hang another story on. I had the vague idea that the next one should be from Willow's POV, though, and for Seasonal Spuffy I feel like whatever I do ought to be Spuffy-centric.


torrilin May 5 2016, 13:55:04 UTC
I was just brainstorming. I don't expect anything to stick, I just put all the Barbverse ideas I could find.

The pylea stuff you have so far is dawn and Buffy and it feels to me like a tidy version would be willow next, coz she's got to make big changes. But we also need another Buffy and another dawn too. Coz they're also changing, even if it's not as dramatic. So I tossed it in the ring coz maybe the willow part won't come but you can show her change in the Buffy part or something.

No ideas on theme, sorry :-/.


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