Prompts for me?

May 02, 2016 20:39

We got a fair amount of work done on the gazebo the last two weekends. My camera battery seems to have conked out, though, so I I need to replace it to take pictures ( Read more... )

seasonal spuffy, my boring life, writing

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Comments 38

ayinhara May 3 2016, 12:36:16 UTC
Making friends is very energy and time consuming. As for work buddies I almost never managed to keep up with them after I changed jobs. As a result I have a shrinking set of friends and acquaintances.


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:18:28 UTC
It's a pity all of us who are in the same boat can't be paddling up the same creek, or some such convoluted metaphor. :D


torrilin May 3 2016, 13:16:34 UTC
Connie/Lawson story, they're off again and it's dramatic and angsty and mom and dad keep trying to cope without laughing at her, acquiring a pregnant daughter (again) from make up sex, letting on to the grandkid(s) what's wrong etc. You know, usual teenage drama antics, only Connie's not a teenager and she's got a kid and Buffy has to keep sitting on Spike so he won't try and arrange Connie's marriage for her. (No idea what the annoying monsters that aren't toddlers should be, sorry ( ... )


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:20:36 UTC
I'd like to do more Pylea. I just have never been able to come up with a good theme to hang another story on. I had the vague idea that the next one should be from Willow's POV, though, and for Seasonal Spuffy I feel like whatever I do ought to be Spuffy-centric.


torrilin May 5 2016, 13:55:04 UTC
I was just brainstorming. I don't expect anything to stick, I just put all the Barbverse ideas I could find.

The pylea stuff you have so far is dawn and Buffy and it feels to me like a tidy version would be willow next, coz she's got to make big changes. But we also need another Buffy and another dawn too. Coz they're also changing, even if it's not as dramatic. So I tossed it in the ring coz maybe the willow part won't come but you can show her change in the Buffy part or something.

No ideas on theme, sorry :-/.


brutti_ma_buoni May 3 2016, 18:04:41 UTC
I've found twitter my magic friend-making answer - not just for occasional actual new people outside my social/work circles, though there are a few (and even the ones that seem far away can suddenly become close, as when I met one for dinner in Turin last year!). But it's mostly been ideal for converting people I half know from yoga or friends-of-office-friends into people I chat with online, which makes progressing to coffee (or in our case gin) much easier. Partly it feels more natural, partly you have a few things you can ask about (how was that interview, when did you get into tutu making, normal stuff), and partly you know if you've clicked already if you can chat online. I'm with trepkos on that: forcing yourself into buddiness with people you kind of dislike/find dull is such a mistake. If you're anything like me, it makes you more miserable, convinced you're antisocial and a failure, when all that's wrong is your choice of company.


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:21:47 UTC
Unfortunately since I'm telecommuting right now, everyone I work with is in other states as well -- except for one guy who's even more of a hopeless introvert than I am!


kerry_220 May 3 2016, 20:46:28 UTC
Maybe there's something in the whole new friend thing. Trying to socialise with people from the skating rink or school. Neighbours maybe. They know or don't know what the Summers-Pratts do.

Or.. the Great and Powerful Author could talk to them about it. Family and friends, how they manage. What are their techniques if any? How do Angel or Connor or Faith make friends? Barb!Brain Theatre is always fun.

(also, on the new friends thing - it can be beyond tedious and stressful to socialise with people who don't know you. A good portion of the time is all about Grant and I eye-rolling about someone new and scampering back to the people we know and love)


kerry_220 May 4 2016, 07:26:33 UTC
Oooh... all day I've had this image of a dinner party that Buffy is excited about because it's their first as a married couple or whenever, and Spike hating the idea. However he ends up talking all night to some smart European woman who loves, ah, travel or Keats or some such. So Buffy and Spike probably end up being inappropriate in a bathroom and he decides he loves dinner parties.

Too much? I know you did that dinner with Buffy's dad...


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:26:05 UTC
Spike seems to be pretty good at making friends when he wants to, he just often doesn't want to. Buffy, on the other hand, seems to be someone who used to be good at making friends, and still wants to, but who's lost the knack because she's grown increasingly afraid of opening up to people over the years. (Canon Buffy, anyway.)

Our problem right now is that the people we know locally is about three people, and for various reasons, we're thinking it would be a very good idea to increase that number by even one or two. :P


feliciacraft May 3 2016, 23:26:49 UTC
I hear ya on the friend-making front. I've been super excited about Phoenix Comic Con...aaand super stressed out over it. Meeting fandom people face-to-face? But what if they don't liiike me? And then it's not like we could just go back to LJ/Tumblr and pretend it never happened. :P

Would it make you feel better to know that there isn't another state I could move to that would give me more friends?

Prompt: how should this season of comics have gone? You could pick a single scene or a plot line or just rewrite the whole season, depending on how you feel. :)


rahirah May 5 2016, 03:29:58 UTC
We will love you and hug you and call you George!

Seriously, every time I've met Buffy fandom people at a con it's been loads of fun. Look at it this way: we're only going to be around each other for a couple of days, tops. That's just enough time to tell all your best stories, and swan back home leaving us all desperate for more!

For some reason, every time I writer comics fic, it's dark, dark, daaaark. It's like I'm practicing some kind of preventative magic by writing the worst possible scenario in order to keep it from actually happening.


spikesjojo May 5 2016, 05:58:50 UTC
Buffy and Spike go to Comic Con?


feliciacraft May 15 2016, 07:30:38 UTC
I'm really looking forward to meeting you! I hope I don't melt first, which...given 3-digit temperature, might happen. :P This is another reason I can't move to another state. Nowhere else can I find mild weather year-round.

I can't bring myself to subscribe to the comics and have new issues automatically show up in front of me. I can't deal with the "realtime-ness" of the comics, never knowing what's going to happen next. I peak at reviews with one eye shut, because I just know something BAD is going to happen eventually.

OK, something fluffy and humorous, then? Just another day in the Slayer-Vampire-with-children household with a middle-aged Slayer (especially since Tumblr seems aghast at such a concept)? You rule at domestic Spuffy!


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