Random Buffy Thought

Mar 13, 2016 09:07

Post-Chosen stories where Buffy is a suicidal wreck because Spike is dead puzzle me. I can believe she had feelings for him at the end. I can believe those feelings were love, in the moment of his death. (I also think that if he had survived, she'd very likely have panicked and backpedaled and been very glad of that "no you don't" out, but that's another story.) I'm sure that losing him hurt, but Buffy never tried to kill herself over Angel, or her mother, each an arguably much more traumatic loss. Buffy was never actively suicidal even in the depths of depression. If death had come knocking, she might have opened the door, but she didn't go out hunting for it.

Heck, even Spike, the quintessential romantic obsessive, didn't walk into the sun when Buffy died, did he? Why do people assume Buffy wouldn't do the same thing he did - mourn, move on as best you can, and fight on in the memory of loved ones past? (Which, if you go by the comics, is exactly what Buffy did, though possibly minus the mourning part - Comics Buffy in S8 seems to have dealt with Spike's death by doing her damnedest to forget he ever existed.) I guess that's not seen as ~romantic~ enough, but does anyone seriously think that Spike would want Buffy to off herself to prove her love?

There's some evidence (her dream in the short webcomic Joss wrote) that Buffy felt guilty about leaving Spike to burn up in the Hellmouth, but Buffy feels guilty about everything. More importantly, she was proud of him for dying a hero. I could not love you half so much loved I not duty more, etc. I'm not saying that Buffy would never, ever contemplate suicide, but I think it would take a hell of a lot more than losing Spike to get her to that point.

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