Sometimes I read Bangel meta and reviews, and I would really, really like to have a serious, civil conversation with them about why they think what they think, because it really is like they’re watching a completely different show (or reading a completely different comic.) Not in the ‘why you not ship what I ship?’ way, because I can see exactly why people would ship Bangel. But in the way that their preference for Bangel makes them interpret other characters. Especially Spike, obvs., but it’s not just Spike. The way they see Dawn, or Giles, or Joyce, is just… I want to ask why? What leads you to think that?
And it’s not just Bangel -- I used to notice the same thing with other ships: Buffy/Xander, Buffy/Giles, Buffy/Faith, whoever. I’m sure Spuffy shippers do it to, but of course our interpretations are totally right and correct (cough cough). I KNOW I have prejudices, even if I don’t always recognize them. There ought to be some kind of peer reviewed study, with gen fans as a control group or something.
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