(Apparently I have discovered the maximum number of characters which will fit in the title bar.)
Is my favorite quote from the Sad Puppy Massacree which took place over the weekend. I don't recall if I've gone into it much here, but basically, a bunch of right-wing SF authors decided that the only reason that they weren't bringing home Hugo Awards by the bucketful was that the nomination process was controlled by a Secret Cabal of Evil Left-Wing Gay Feminist Pudding-Eating Muslims. Because no one would nominate stores full of gay or black or female characters because they liked them, especially when there are so many stories featuring straight white Christian males doing Manly, Exciting Things!
So they got all their friends together and created the Sad Puppy Slate. Slate voting is not against the Hugo rules, I hasten to add, it's just considered sort of tacky. It didn't go anywhere much last year, but this year they were better organized, and managed to swamp the Hugo nominations with... well, I am sure that there is good, entertaining right-wing SF out there somewhere, as I am positive I have read some in the past, but this stuff was not it.
How exactly they managed to swamp the nominations when said nominations were supposedly controlled by the aforementioned cabal, no one ever explained. But said swamping was a wake-up call to the rest of fandom, which had up till now just been snickering at them a little. This year's Worldcon had the largest number of members and supporting members ever, many of whom seem to have purchased a membership for the sole purpose of voting in the Hugos to deliver an epic Puppy smackdown. (Full disclosure, I was one of them.) The only Puppy nomination to win anything was Guardians of the Galaxy, which would certainly have gotten nominated and had an excellent shot at winning anyway. Every single other Puppy nomination went down in flames.
(Granted, the Puppies made that easier because the vast majority of them ranged from mediocre to terrible.)
Soooo, predictably, having lost at their own game, the Puppies are screaming that they meant for this to happen all along, and it doesn't matter because the Hugos are irrelevant anyway, and they're going to make their own awards, so there, and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for all you meddling liberals!
In other words, it's been an entertaining few days. Two different proposals which would prevent slate voting, and another one which has something to do with the percentage of votes a work needs to be nominated, were passed at the Worldcon business meeting, (they have to be re-passed next year in order to go into effect, as I understand it), and the Puppies are vowing revenge, REVENGE I TELL YOU next year. I can't wait.
I got another 1200 words done on Chapter 13. Scene 4 is done, woot! It's the one which changed the most from the original outline. Three more to go.
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