Dog poetry

Aug 11, 2013 20:38

Ode To A Dead Pigeon
by Bo

O pigeon dead upon the grass
I cannot play with you, alas
My owner does not like your smell
Though why she sneers, I cannot tell.
Your stink delightful tempts my nose,
But I must leave you in repose.


One of the many, many guesses as to what sort of mix he is border collie, which I'd initially dismissed because I only knew about the long-haired kind, but apparently with border collies there is a huge variation in coat color and type, whether the ears go up or down, etc. The smooth-coated ones do look a lot like Bo: Obviously if he does have border collie in him, it's mixed with something a lot more laid back, thank heavens.

They announced Friday that data entry functions are definitely being consolidated in Oklahoma. So I guess it's a good thing I'm no longer in data entry. :P No word yet on reporting, so I'm still hoping that will be location agnostic.

Talk to me

work, bo the wonder dog

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