OK, fine, I'll get a stupid helmet already

Jan 06, 2013 11:57

So yesterday I decided to see if I could teach Bo to trot sedately alongside my bike. It turns out that Bo will trot sedately for about twenty feet, and then he will suddenly break into an all-out run and swerve in front of the bike, perhaps in an attempt to herd it, or perhaps simply to demonstrate his superior running technique. This results in closer contact between my face and the pavement than is ideally desired.

Bo (of course) is fine, and according to the nice folks at the emergency room, I haven't broken anything, and I don't think the bike broke anything either. I'm missing about half an hour of time between getting home and looking in the mirror and thinking, "This is worse than I thought, maybe I should go to the hospital after all," and coming to in the car on the way there, but other than that, the nurse said I wasn't showing any signs of a concussion - I have various scrapes and bruises and a very impressive black eye, but most of the damage is superficial. Sometimes there are advantages to having a thick skull.

I think I'm going to email my boss a picture of myself and ask them if they want me to come in to work tomorrow.

Talk to me

stupid barb tricks, shut up i don't want to hear it

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