My regrettable lack of interest in pop culture

Sep 20, 2009 21:02

Normally I avoid awards shows like the plague. Wish I'd stuck to that resolve tonight.

It is not true that I am entirely meh about all TV these days. I am eagerly looking forward to:

Being Human (yes, we finally watched it, it is awesome beyond belief, I love all the characters and the universe and the smart dialogue and the way there's metaphor but it never shoves the characters out of the spotlight and and WHY ARE THERE SO FEW EPISODES DAMMIT I WANT MORE!)

I am enjoying:

House (OK, if you took Hugh Laurie away, there would be no reason to watch this show at all. But hey, Hugh Laurie.)
How I Met Your Mother
Big Bang Theory

And... that's about it. Gave up on Heroes last year, and Ugly Betty is fast losing my interest. None of the new shows sound all that interesting. I might, however, try and catch up on Fringe, Dollhouse, and True Blood - the books left me cold, but who knows.


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