Where did the day go?

Sep 20, 2009 20:56

Watching Milk this afternoon, and thinking that in many ways, in thirty years little has changed. OK, I know that's not really true. A lot of things have changed. But human nature is isn't one of them. I suppose it's a sign of imperfect moral evolution on my part that I would really like to reach back through time and kick Anita Bryant in the shins. Which is silly. Especially as there are plenty of people I could more profitably fantasize about kicking in the shins in the here and now.


Incredible movie, though. I was about as politically aware as a cabbage through most of the 70s and 80s, so this isn't a period I'm very familiar with.

We got up bright and semi-early this morning and mowed the lawn and cleaned the front porch. Much better. I'm dead broke this weekend because of the last payment to the termite people, and having to replace the last two tires messed up by that alignment problem I had fixed back before Writercon. Plus property taxes are due this month. But if I have any money come next paycheck, I think I'm going to fix up the garden some. We've had such a dry summer (third driest on record, I think) that right now it's a sad wilderness populated only by a few surviving vinca.

I haven't forgotten the prompt fics. I have ideas, I've just been kind of fuzzy-headed the last few days, or had no time to write. I've been mulling over what to do about the current scene in my seasonal_spuffy story. It's one of those scenes where I have to come up with a plausible reason for the characters not to communicate - that, or have them communicate, but at such cross purposes that it will make sense for them to go off and do what I need them to do in the following scenes. The latter would probably work better, but it will be tricky. And I wrote a little bit on the next chapter of POM. Not much, but anything's better than nothing.

Note to self: even if they are talking about you, please keep firmly in mind that this in no way obliges you to listen.

personal, gardening, wah wah wah, writing, movies

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