Various meanderings

May 02, 2008 09:01

Well, my tax rebate got here. I put half of it towards bills and half towards a new graphics tablet, hunting around till I found one on EBay for considerably less than retail. Frugal Barb is… well, not all that frugal. I’ve been trying to decide if I should start taking the bus to work.

1. Saves money.
2. Commute time can be used to catch ( Read more... )

personal, fic, computer, meta, writing

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Comments 48

shipperx May 2 2008, 16:19:54 UTC
Con #3 seems pretty daunting as well.


rahirah May 2 2008, 18:00:59 UTC
Well, it is only half a mile, and as long as I bring walking shoes it's not that bad. Still...


quinara May 2 2008, 16:23:07 UTC
I often wonder what my default icon says about me, especially to people who have no idea/have completely forgotten/really don't care that I once had a layout with sheep on (and matching icon), which was apparently what people associated me with even after I replaced it. I like to think of it as nicely random, but I have an odd feeling it just comes across as silly.

Having said that, I think the main thing I notice about icons is the colour, out of the corner of my eye reading comments. Some people are surprisingly recognisable by the fact they seem to go for similarly coloured icons (ie. in their brightness/contrastiness/saturatedness etc.). I always think of you as a 'brights' person for some reason... I don't know what that says!


Mystery solved! appomattoxco May 2 2008, 17:19:34 UTC
I thought they were polar bears not sheep. I really,really need glasses. I kind of thought it was a reference to some book or movie I didn't know. Never thought of it as silly. I just felt clueless every time it cropped up.


Re: Mystery solved! quinara May 2 2008, 17:40:37 UTC
Hee - that's so interesting!! They do look a bit like polar bears - the negative colours really don't help on their heads. I suppose I now need to work out whether not looking silly is better than slightly confusing people... Thanks!


Re: Mystery solved! rahirah May 2 2008, 17:59:51 UTC
If it's any consolation, I got the sheep reference!


ljs May 2 2008, 16:57:13 UTC
Could you take the bus *some* of the time? Perhaps that would take care of Con #2. As for Con #3, well, it's a real issue. When I was in Tucson I *did* a half-mile walk to the bus stop every other day, and boy... a hat and a full water bottle were necessities.

As for icons, my problems are: a) I'm graphically challenged and can't create my own, and b) I feel weird sharing icons, so I don't go looking for them. These are not, I'd agree, *serious* problems. [grin]



rahirah May 2 2008, 18:09:30 UTC
Taking the bus two or three times a week is probably the best solution. I'd just have to work out a schedule in advance...


abrakadabrah May 2 2008, 19:14:35 UTC
Yep, that was what I was going to suggest - though tripling commute time is pretty daunting.
And don't do it when the temp. is 115.


cordykitten May 2 2008, 18:26:20 UTC
From the Cons number one and two are important... (would count for me the most).
I like ljs' suggestion.
what exactly do I want to say about myself with my icons? I love icons; but there are a lot that I won't upload because I don't have enough room. I'm choosing the ones I have mostly for commenting on fanfiction but not all of them, just the most of them.


rahirah May 3 2008, 04:39:47 UTC
Yeah, when I let my paid account lapse I lost a lot of them. I keep thinking I should change out the ones I've got, but I keep forgetting.


cordykitten May 3 2008, 08:01:49 UTC
Then you'll have to delete the old icons (before you can upload new ones) but I'm sure you know that.
I know a lot of people I know mostly use their default icon because it's easier. (I don't change my icons often so I'm familiar with they key words I'm using for them).
I like the variety (to use all of my icons) though I manage to click the wrong icon too. *bad mouse!*


hello_spikey May 2 2008, 19:19:15 UTC
I miss taking the bus, if only because I used to get so much more reading done every week.

Aaaand.... I can't comment on the rest because I'm distracted by Spike abs and workout.... mmmm....

Oh, yeah, icons.

I get irritated when someone uses an icon near to someone else's because I start associating default icons with people. I mean, I expect people to look a little like their icon - dark if their icon is dark, maybe a red-head if the icon has a lot of red in it, etc. Totally silly, huh?


(The comment has been removed)

hello_spikey May 2 2008, 20:28:48 UTC

Yeah, I confess to a little of that... gee, a lot of my friends look like Spike!! ;)


rahirah May 3 2008, 04:34:34 UTC
No, I do the same thing - if I see two people using the same icon, it's weird. It's even weirder when I see someone else using an icon I've made!


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