The worst part of taking a vacation is the coming back part.Today was the first day back in the groove and it just reinforces the feeling that a change is needed badly in the typical Ragzter day.
But I guess that's what vacationz are for,to either refresh ya or to give ya a step back so you can re-evaluate where yer at.
There I go again,over analyzing stuff.
But we had fun.It was my first time setting foot in Hollywood,L.A.and the surrounding area,so I was pretty excited about it all.Seeing that big ol' legendary Hollywood sign up in them there hills,feeling the buzz of starz that were and starz to be in the air.There was so much to do,but we only got in a handfull due to time constrantz.
The first few dayz we were both still under the bug that infested our systems but we weren't gonna let that get in the way.
We ate with our hands and cheered on the red & yellow knight at the Medieval Times show & thrilled at the rusty devices of torture in it's dungeon.
We enjoyed the showz n' tourz at Hollywood studios(my ever wandering eyez in search of my childhood idols-the Universal Horror monsters)being tossed around in the sooped up Delorien from "Back To The Future",attacked by the robots in "T2",almost had my arm ripped off by Bruce the shark,drove up to the driveway of the ol' Munsters' house,splashed around in "Waterworld"and chased ghouliez in the dark catacombs where "The Mummy Returns".Tho I think Rockitqeen was dissapointed that Brendon Fraser didn't pop out of the dark to pay her a visit.Course we shoulda skipped the "Spiderman Rocks"show.Sheesh,I love cheesy shee-ot,but this was soooo bad!Characters from the comic singing No Doubt toons is a baaaaad mix.
Wish we would've had more time there but there's alwayz next time!!
The next day we strolled thru a wax museaum where I finally got to hang with all the great horror movie monsters(even Vincent Price was there!!!).Then after a an hour or so in there we waltzed across the street to the "Ripley's Believe It Or Not"museum and gandered at a chinese guy with two sets of pupils for each eye!!Wanted to get my very own shrunken head but didn't see any for sale so I'll have to make my own now that I know how!!
Later on that night after eatin' some pizza and coconut cream pie at Rockitqeen's grandmas house we went to Disneyland.Our first stop there was a glorified commercial for products masked as a "ride"smack dab in Tomorrowland.Yipes.I recommend anyone who goes to Disneyland skip that and head on over to THE COOLEST place in Diznee-The Haunted Mansion!!Now that rawked!!I could spend the whole night in there!!My kinda place!After that we took a lil' boat ride down to see "The Pirates Of The Carribean"which was nifty too.After that we just had a nice romantic walk thru the shops and sights of Disneyland After Dark.Tho I was afraid we'd take a wrong turn and end up in "Crackland"or "Ghettoland" but I guess Mickey and his palz hide that area pretty well.Then again I think I take a trip there everyday when I'm on the bus here in Vegas.
In between the adventurez we hung with her family and friendz,watched a Michael Jackson special at the hotel and got harrased by cops on the way to Dennys.Guess they thought we were nuttin' but trouble.
All that and I didn't miss the Christina Aguilera special on 20/20!!
I can't wait to go back and check out the other stuff we missed.Pix will be posted soon!!
Oh and I got a skull that when you pull out it's eye it's teeth chatter!!!!How cool is that!!!!