Webspawner has given me nuthin' but trouble lately.Trying to change some stuff on my website but it ain't be workin'.So it may be time to build up a new one.Yet another project I've gotsa be workin' on.Especially when I've just got new pics from the Halloweenie Party and other stuff.Also workin' up some questions for the Randy Chandler interview.So bear with me as I try to squeeze more time for the new website.
rockitqeen& I also ventured out to Madame Tussaud's wax museum and hopefully got some cool pix.I tried to get
rockitqeento unzip Larry King's pants and put her hand down his pants for the photo op of the year but she wouldn't do it.Whatta great pic that would've been.Oh well,we need to take Starlene out there and maybe get her to do the pix,now that would be even better considering she is the most innocent person I've ever met.That would be worth the price of admission alone!
Jeez,in some of the pix I got back today I look like a bloated Vince Niel.Sheesh!Do I really look like that?Speaking of Niel Warton I gotta remember to set the vcr for "The Surreal Life",I can't believe I missed it last week.Now that's gotta be about the best low brow crap a palooza on tv ever!
Pete Townsend arrested for child pornography.Hmmm.Didn't he learn anything from Gary Glitter?
Qoute Of The Day:"The most memorable American Music Awards were the Lionel Ritchie years"-some producer of the AMA's on VH1.
Random Thought Of The Day:Who left thier big log of Venison Sausage at P.T.'s last Friday night?