rockitqeen & I were waiting for the bus back to The Ragzpad after our first day back to work from our two day break we played with tiny little mice that swarmed the bus stop.
And that's just the beginning of 2003!!
Watch out!We're outa control!!
New Yearz Eve we went to The Crown & Anchor and met up with our gang o' misfits and partied it up.Actually I didn't get drunk at all,the beer wasn't doing it for me and I only had one tequila shot.I just couldn't get into the party mode.Maybe it was the throbbing headache and the crappy cover band(I'm sorry,but Pink Floyd music just doesn't put me in that "partyin' mood.But as the countdown to 2003 began my spirits arisen from the ashes(a kiss from a good woman tendz to do that for me!).And The Ragzter started kicking into full gear as one of my fave local bands-Jet-who donned a British accent and another name-The Limey Bar Stewards-kicked out the toonage that I was a-hankerin' for.They rocked the house with T.Rex,The Sweet,a half hazard attempt of KISS' "I Was Made For Loving You"and other classic partay songz!They got the place a hoppin',even Kerry got up on the bar stools and joined the Coyote Ugly Chorusline(he he-I have pix to prove it!!).We drank with the band on thier break,took tons o pix(hopefully they'll turn out this time for the website),got hit on by an old lady that wanted to strangle me with my leopard print scarf and had my purple hair caressed by a stranger while rockin' out to "S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!!"Well,that's what
rockitqeentold me,I was afraid to turn around to see who was running thier fingers thru my hair cuz the last time I looked over to the right of me that night there was some drunken guy in a red shirt that looked like the neighbor guy on "That 70's Show'.
So all in all it turned into a pretty good night.All it takes is a nice kiss & some good schlock n' roll to get The Ragzter goin'.
So I need to get back out there and see some music to satisfy my soul.Seemz like all the showz we were gonna see this past month have cancelled on us-David Lee Roth,Joan Jett,Guns N' Roses-but gots some more comin' up to look forward too-especially The Donnas!!!Nothin' better than chicks playin' KISS style rawknrowl!!
So what's my New Yearz Resolution?
I've got ten---
10.Get my damn pictures developed!
9.More toys!!
8.Cable Modem=Faster Porn!!!
7.More Nachos for Rockitqeen!!
6.Get a job as the Powderboy put-er oner at Cheetas!
5.Buttless pants!!
4.Make a musical of the movie "Basket Case!"
3.Stop Christmas once and for all and replace it with Halloween 2!!
2.Finally make my dream band a reality-Vince Neil as the new singer for Nirvana!!
and my #1 New Yearz Resolution for 2003-