Nov 09, 2012 12:35

I want to thank everyone that has contributed and requested artwork in the past few weeks in helping to raise the money for my wife & I. As mentioned in my previous post, my wife has been dealing with some serious health issues, and we have no health insurance. We have friends and family in Michigan, and they're are going to help us move out there, because we have some options in getting me and my wife some healthcare support. But, of course, it takes money to get us there, so I have been having great deals for artwork. $10 sketchies, sketchbooks and more for sale. The response has been incredible, but we still have a way to go to reach our goal. So, if you are interested in giving for some of my original artwork, please feel free to email me at or message me on my Facebook- . I will also be having super special deals from time to time posted on my Facebook also. We truly appreciate all the help we have received so far, I have the best friends, family & fans in the world!! I thank you all!!

So, I've been busy doing artwork that has been requested, so here's a smattering of artwork and recent sketchbook sketchies to dunk your eyeballs in!

The Crazy Cat Lady

Walking Corpse

Griggz and Gekko

Pissed Sea Monkey

River Song

Along Came A Spider

 also have recently put together a video featuring some of my Frankenstein related artwork to the amazing song Frankenstein by Chan Poling. Give it a view!

image Click to view

chan poling, cats, ragzart, frankenstein, zombies, michigan, sea monkeys, dr.who

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