For much of the holiday season I have been flat on my back toasting my left shoulder on a vibrating heating pad. Arthritis has kicked in for X-Mas and darn it hurts! Plus, I got some hot/cold muscle rub in my eye from buttering my shoulder and arm in it, so now my left eye is all red. I look like freekin' Quasimodo!!
It's frustrating cuz I wanna do bigger art pieces but I can't sit up to do them. But, I suffer through it and with teeth clenched and the sexy aroma of Ben Gay I still manage to get my drawing on.
Most of it has been just free form sketching and very little thought process put into them, but a few pieces hath formed into something bigger.
Such as this-DR.STRANGE HAS SEEN TOO MUCH, which actually was done the day before my shoulder froze in it's crippling rigor mortis state. It's done in india ink & guoache on comic book bristol board.
Another SHADOWGIRL piece I call IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS? - done in watercolor on watercolor paper. I'm gonna do up a handful of SHADOWGIRL postcards and charge about $10 bucks each to sell at shows & what-not. People seem to like 'em,
This SHADOWGIRL piece - SINDERELLA OF THE SEA - was done in watercolor on 6 x 6 watercolor paper and I'm thinking of submitting it to a local art gallery in a few weeks.
Drew up another drawing of one of my fave Marvel Comics characters-KILLRAVEN. Done in ink on sketch paper.
And goin' a little darker subject matter-wise this take on one of my fave movies-KEN RUSSELL'S THE DEVILS. I was watching some show about devil possession on the History Channel and they went into a case from which THE DEVILS was based on, inspired me to get a little evil on ya'all.
More cool stuff to come, whether in pain or not.
Sure could use some pain killers though!