Only a few days of the internet left before the big move. Not sure when we'll get it back, so what shall a Ragzter do while being disconnected from the world besides work on artwork, get familiar with new surroundings and live out of boxes?
Catch up on comic readin', that's what!
We made our last trip to the local comic shop-Alternative Reality Comics-to pick up our final stack-o-books and to say farewell to Ralph, it's owner. We're sure gonna miss that place & Ralph. He has been my comic dealer from the beginning, keeping me in stock of all my addictions.
He made sure I never missed a book, and even when times were tough and I let the stack build to monsterous proportions, he still held on to them til I could pick 'em up. He's the greatest guy in Vegas! Why can't there be some inter-dimensional hole, some kinda Boom Tube, that I could leap thru when I need my comics? A wormhole between Vegas & California so I could still be his loyal customer?
But, alas, the world hasn't yet caught up with Jack Kirby, so we'll have to seek out a new comic store in Orange County. But our hearts will always belong to Ralph & Alternative Reality Comics.
Here's a pic we took today as we said our goodbyes-tho Stacey made me crop her out of the photo-
We'll get to see him one more time at The Farewell Get-together,but I needed to post this one for him. Thanx Ralph for all the great stuff-we're gonna miss ya!
If your ever in Vegas, make sure you stop by his store.
Tomorrow night, as mentioned, we're having our Farewell Get-Together at The Crown & Anchor. I hope to see all my Vegas peeps there!
I'll try to have pix posted before they yank the chord from our internets.