It seems like anytime i have time off to recoup,regroup and reload, that week is taken down by something, and last week again I was wracked with the remaining remnants of kidney stones ripping thru my urinary tract. If you've never experienced the joy of giving birth to a porcupine with devil horns and that shoots lasers non stop out of it's eyes at your pee pee factory, then you have no idea of the grueling torture that having kidney stones brings. It's the worst. Yeah Yeah, I'm getting predictable and replaying events that i wish not to. I knew it was coming from my last bout with the stoneys last month, as the doc said that I had a cluster of the buggers crammed up and jelly tight in my right kidney, so I knew this was coming. But this time the labor pains weren't slow and building. Nope, it sprang out upon me in a flurry of sweats,nausea and throbbing relentless stabbing knife soaked in battery acid pain! I managed to stay out of the hospital this time,but boy am I sore now. Sheesh, I just can't seem to get rid of them, I've cut way down on the soda, it's mostly water and iced tea these days instead of the Mountain Dews, which may be why I've been passing them more frequently these days without the sugary sodas gunking up the works. But I'm tired of whining about them, so there ya go.
We did manage to get a new car, just in time to get back and forth to another fulltime session of schoolin'. I didn't get near as much artwork done over the break because of the stones and a flu bug from earlier in the week, but here be some leftovers from some life drawing sessions and notebook scribbles I dig. Enjoy!
I name this guy- CharKole!
This is some Emo Vampire guy
My RockitQeen Atari Stacey and Noona!
A Nazi Zombie from the movie ShockWave
an outerspace sketchy
Some guys head floating in a tube with spider legs.
and I call this "She Watches Herself,From Behind"
The painpills I've got from my last visit to the hospital don't really seem to help, except the pain in me pinky toe which I stubbed earlier in the day on Saturday. So now I'm a limping kidney stoned mess. New cd's by KISS,Danko Jones & Ace Frehley have helped to ease the pain also, but the most inspirational thing(other than the new car)that has given me some oomph thru it all was the viweing of "Anvil: The Story of Anvil" I watched Saturday night right before the stones started barreling their way thru my lowers.
What a great movie! If yer ever in need of some "hope", this is the flick to see. It'll make ya believe in something, whether it's the undying loyalty of pursuing a dream,the power of heavy metal, or just never giving up,or that ignorance is truly bliss. It's a must see! I needed this, and I need the blinding vision of "Lips". That guy refuses to give up. A true rock n' roll hero. All the pussies like Kurt Cobain and Metallica could learn alot from that guy. Good Stuff!
Gonna go listen to an Anvil album now and pulverize any remaining stones with their rockin' heavy metal power!