Jan 08, 2007 22:33

Saturday Night we celebrated Rockitqeen'z B-Day early by at The Dive Bar,where many friendz showed up and hooted it up.It waz good seein' alot of my former fellow Tower folks again,and of course we had it at the same time az our buddies Six Shooters To The Sky blasted out the toonage to make it a hollrin' hoopla for everyone!
And Rockitqeen'z cake,supplied by the awesome Dawnifer,waz sooper dooper!

Many pix were taken,muchly bar food waz consumed and we all had a good time!

Tho thingz got a little out of hand at timez-

But that'z what B-Day parties are for.
It waz a little creepy at one moment when some wacked out stranger asked me for a cigarette then wouldn't leave.He waz babblin' on and on about worshipping Satan and that we were all accepted into his devil worshippin' church.He wouldn't shut up about it,rambling on in wordz I had no idea what they meant,making no sense to me,but I did manage to catch him on video dancing to Six Shooters-

Finally I told him to beat it,cuz,well,he wazn't making any sense and I really didn't like him much.

Good Timez!

tower, satan, dive bar, six shooters to the sky, rockitqeen

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