Nov 17, 2006 20:34

Last Wednesday we took in the Paul Stanley show at the Palms.The Palms is about the worst place in Vegas to see a show.It'z not really set up for rock showz,it's actually one of thoze hideous trendy dance clubs that are all the rage in Vegas where all the beautiful people go to wiggle thier buts to horrid Fergie dance mixes and hope to get on "Wild On E" tv showz,but every once in awhile they'll have way overpriced shows there,cuz i gather whoever owns or runz the place iz buddies with various rockstarz so they pay 'em alot to play for the hipsterz.
The last time I waz there waz to see KISS a few yearz ago,and tho it waz one of the best KISS showz I've ever seen,it took all we had to survive the experience.
This time around,the place wazn't near az packed or az hot,so it made the night easier to deal with.And it waz mostly true die hard KISS freaks there,so it wazn't a bunch of zipperheadz,barbie dolls and beautifulpeople more interested in being seen and yappin' on thier cell phones gettin' in the way of my rockin'.
The Palms waz invaded by fat,overweight,nerdy KISS Army loyalists in thie 30'z and 40'z,which to many may be horrid in itself,but at least it'z not phoney.Creepy,yes,but
Like a Star Trek convention,everyone tries to outnerd each other,but I enjoyed the juxtoposition of it all,especially in contrast to the non-concert goin' people smokin' cigars and adjusting thier implants(both the genders doin' both)having to be in the same ultrafakeswanky casino.
And me?Well,I fall into the KISS Army Circus-O-Stunted Growth crowd,but I tend to just stick to keeping my mouth shut and immersed in my own personal space bubble with The Rockitqeen away from them too cuz I have no desire to spew my KISS knowledge to the already converted.In fact,I'm gettin' to the point where I find myself second guessing if I wanna go to a show cuz I frankly just hate standing in line waiting to get into theze placez,then standing around for another hour waiting for the bandz to hit the stage.I don't drink,I don't care much for large crowdz and I just wanna sit down til the bandz come on but there'z no such thing az seats at rockshows so I just stand there hating every minute til the bandz come on.I really wish they would show cartoons or movie trailers or something before the bands come on.
But once the bandz finally do start,I'm all eyez and earz in search of a grand ol' rawknrollin' time and I have no reservationz about showing my fist throwing appretiation to the twangerz on stage,that iz,if they do indeed rawk.If they don't,then I save my energy for the onez I came to see.
In this case,New York's Slunt opened the show.i pretty knew what to expect,cuz I picked up thier cd a year or so ago,and live they weren't that much different.They're a foursome made up of two girlz and two guyz,and tho I can't say much for the guyz,the two chickiez are pretty damn hot,but the music izn't.It triez,I give 'em that,but they look and sound like some made for tv band,lacking any real sleaziness(tho they think they are,with all thier cock rock moves and party it up dialogue),Slunt almost tries too hard,without even coming close.The singer's voice iz way to cutesy for the drop D tuning songz,and not whiskey induced like it should be for the AC/DC type songs.In fact,she looks like she coulda been one of the contestants for last summers' "Rockstar:Supernova" show.They DO,do a pretty good cover version of Romeo Void's "Never Say Never" tho,but the rest of the songz written by the band are pretty forgettable.
And really,it waz hard for me to really concentrate on what they were doing,cuz I waz distracted between drooling over the singers' packed tightly in her tiny bandana shirt heaving breasts and her shiney absolutely beautiful purple Gibson Les Paul.Very nice indeed.

They quickly got off the stage,and more waiting waz instore.Luckily we weren't waiting for an Axl Rose show,so the wait wazn't long,and the Starchild himself hit the stage.Say what ya want about the guy,he may be the Tom Jones of Metal,but Paul Stanley iz one hellava performer.And a fun guy to watch too.He whipped out numberz from his new solo album of cheesy self empowering numbers "Live To Win",stuff from his 1970 KISS solo album and the usual KISS classics,but he also catered to the die hard fanz by doing stuff we have never seen KISS do live,such az "Million To One","Magic Touch" and "Got To Choose."He sounded and looked great,joked with the crowd,the funniest being when a girl in the audience yelled for him to take his shirt off.He replied by saying "I can see it 20 yearz from now when I do this again,and someone screams "Take your shirt off"and I'll say "I'm not wearing a shirt".
He was genuinely appreciative of his audience,and like his shows with KISS,he doesn't let up,propelling the crowd into a frenzy without giving us a moment to catch our breaths.A true showman.And the true musical heart of KISS.He'z not interested in selling ya the coffins and the condoms and the lunchboxes,he's all about being the star we expect from our performers.Take note,kiddies.
And his band,oddly enough,the house band from the previously mentioned "Rockstar:Supernova" show carried most of the musical chops,especially of note waz the bassist Sasha who really filled out the songz with some awesome playing without being too flashy.He played "Detroit Rock City" the way Gene used to play it,with awesome punch and groove.Sure,he'z no blood spitting demon,but this time the show waz about the music which never gets the respect it deserves.And it shines,cuz KISS doez have some great tunes no matter what the disbelievers may claim.
By the end of the night we were pretty tuckered out.Paul kicked our asses.the night ended and us nerds were left satisfied.

Hey,at least I'm not one of thoze nerdz that sit in front of Best Buy waiting a week for the Playstation 3 to come out.
I ain't got no patience for that,
I hadta drive all around town to find a copy of this-

slunt, paul stanley, palms, las vegas, kiss, strangers with candy

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