Another day in the life of The Ragzter-
Now that working at my soon to be defunct job haz turned to becoming a Rock N'Roll Goodwill Store,each day becomez more and more a battle of witz with dimwitz,dimwitz that haven't stepped into a record store since when Will To Power had a hit single bastardizing Peter Frampton and Lynrard Skynard,so instead of confersing with people that have a smidgeon of a clue what'z filed under what and where,we're,well,I'm getting grumpy again just thinking of it,so I digress...
people are nutjobz no matter where ya go,they're just more likely to follow the big "Goin' Outta Business" signs more willingly so they end up here.Ya could have a store that sells nothin' but dried poop,and people will arrive in drovez az long az the sign above the moundz of white crusty crap sayz "Goin' Outta Business".Just like the zombies in "Dawn Of The Dead",they may not know WHY they're there,they just know that they "HAVE" to be there.
Build it,say it'z goin' outta business,and they will come.
It works just like the Cher,KISS,The Who and all the other Farewell Tours.
But we getz to be a little creative at work now that our corporate offices no longer exist.Such az this awesomely awesome sign Paulie cooked up for our porn section-
I thought it would be killer to have some of the galz at work to stand in front of the section smoking cigz with one leg cocked up on a shelf,but the liquidator who'z slowly killing us didn't think the sign should stay up.Buggerz.
We do get to have this sign up tho-
not that it workz much since most of the customerz either don't know how to read or they're hopeing someone will steal thier rugrat.
It'z been a drag tho,watching our once mighty popculture o' plenty megastore slowly being picked to the bone by vulturez.I really need to start looking for someplace else to pay me for being me,I must confess I have become spoiled and comfortable where I'm at.I dread looking for a new job where I may actually have to look and act the adult.
Iz there a job where they hire guyz to powder up strippers before they go swinging on a pole?
Now that would be a job I would enjoy going to everyday.
Oh well,I drew this on my lunchbreak and I like it,so I thought I'd share it with you.It'z one of our customers-
All day I waz trying to remember what the kid in the movie "Cabin Fever" waz all excited over after a co-worker yeld out "PUDDING",cuz it reminded me of this scene-
I waz pretty happy when by the end of the day I remembered it waz "PANCAKES!"
That'z the kinda thingz I think about az I go about my day.
I try to keep thingz simple.
Wednesday night I'll be seein' Paul Stanley at The Palms,perhaps the worst place to see a concert ever,but,with me being a General in the KISS Army I must be there.
If it'z got anything to do with KISS I'm there!
Guess I'm not that different from the "Goin' Outta Business" dimwitz after-all....