Whoa.I couldn't comprehend 95% of last nightz 2006 MTV Awardz show.Somehow and for some reason I thought I woulda been entertained by watching it,but other than the bellydancing of Shakira-
and the surreal Axl Rose introduction of The Killers,
I felt like Towelly from South Park...
"I have no idea what's going on..."
Sheesh,whatta revoltin' development those 3 and a half hourz waz.
The Racontuers were good,and they made the best statement of the night by doing a toon called "The Internet Killed The Video Star",but I couldn't understand any of the yabba jabba the rest of the performerz were pooping out of thier mouths with.Christ,if anything confirmz when you've hit grumpy old man age iz when the MTV Awardz becomes completely incomprehenzable!
Somwhere deep down inside I'm HOPING that the performances really did suck so I can get some satisfaction that everything they play nowdaz iz in fact crap,but I must eventually come to termz that I've hit the age where I don't understand the kidz anymore.I used to think I had some inate sooper talent of knowing what waz gonna be cool,but,as Grampa Simpson once said "I used to know what was cool,but then they changed what cool was"!
Tho,I knew The Killers were gonna be cool.Maybe they are my Last Hurrah.For,back in the early 2000'z,when I first saw them playin' the small un-air conditioned clubs and stinkbarz of Las Vegas,I saw something in them,and I remember clearly telling Brandon after one of thier shows-"You're gonna be a star",he blushed and shrugged his shoulders shyly and said "nah",but,he knew it and I knew it.
Now,Axl iz hanging out with them(to the dismay of my Lady Dandelion,The Rockitqeen,who iz the biggest Axl freek ever,and who iz alwayz one degree away from ever meeting him),and he's closing the MTV Awards.Course,that may mean nothing nowdayz,cuz I question whether the kidz even go to MTV for music anymore,and who could blame them.
But it's nice to see that these guys-
made it thier way,spawned a bunch of copycat bandz,and mayhaps keep the kids buying guitars and drums,writing songs with some pop sensibilities that you can actually sing along to,cuz let's face it,most of the people that buy cd's nowdayz are us middleaged fucks who don't know how to download music,so someone has to bring in some new stuff with something we can understand.Cuz chicks singing about thier "humps" doesn't sound very appealing to us.It just makes me think of Igor from the Frankenstein filmz.He may be a great character,but sexy doesn't come to mind.
And grills?
What's so sexy 'bout stoves?
And why waz that one black chick dressed in Hefty bagz and riding a Tonka Trunk?
Tho Kid Rock and Marilyn Manson pretty much sucked music wize,at least us 30 somethingz and up could understand thier appeal.Hell,they hung out with midgets and circus freakz,who doezn't love that?
Aw hell,I gave up being cool about 20 yearz ago,so why do I even waste my bad typing skillz rambling on about this crap?
Cuz I've got the internet and the death of the video star has begun.