First time Posting to the group but I've been a sometime commenter for a bit!
I found some images of my babies (the oldest two) on my computer but they're not that good (the ones of my all white cat tend to be washed out) but expect some images of all of them plus my new baby that I adopted last month soon!
Our first cat was a stray kitten that a friend found running off of a normally extremely busy highway. Luckily it was 2am in the morning and the kitten was running towards the bank our friend was at. We got a call from the friend on July 17th 2004, and on July 20th (My birthday!) we picked up the stray 'problem' kitten. She would go between being very sweet and then being a very vicious stray. Luckily it was only adjustment problems but shes still not a people person. My partner and I wanted a name to suit her so while thinking of names Cairo came up and stuck! (I had wanted to name her Isis but since Isis was a Goddess once worshiped in Cairo I was satisfied.)
Heres her as a kitten!
Her First bath ever!
How can you not love a cat that loves sleeping on her back in this position?
She used to fall asleep in my lap while I was on the computer just like that! She still sleeps on her back like that sometimes but hardly sleeps in my lap any more since shes too big. <3
A few months later (Sept 2004) I received a call from my sister asking if I wanted a kitten. Yes! My sister kept one of the two kittens my mother brought home while I got the other. Once again the naming debate started but this was technically MY cat since Cairo was technically my partners cat. But after all the arguing I couldnt name him after Jareth (The Goblin King of Labyrinth... David Bowie's character), so I said It was either Jareth or Hades (Greek God of the Underworld). So I got a Greek God instead of a Goblin King (His full name is actually Hades Jareth, ha!). The vets always put his name in "" and have to double check his name when I take him to specialists and other vets. "Yes... my cat's name is Hades... H.. A... D... E ... S.... NO not like heck or hell but like in the greek God of the Underworld... yeah I like mythology... " ...>.>
But enough talking Here he is as a kitten!
One of his eyes stayed blue but the other is yellow (while his sister has the same eyes but the colors are switched on the oppisite eyes- unfortunately my sister had to give her away due to her health reasons).
Hes a HUGE cat now weighing about 10 pounds that can stretch WAAAAY out.
Double the trouble here! (Wheres our food??)
Finally heres a sorta bad picture of Cairo all grown up.
Sorry for all the talking! I should have better images of them in the near future plus images of my third Cat Freya (May 28th 2006) who is 11 months old.
Thanks for letting me share!