spoutting off on the run off that happens today

Dec 02, 2008 07:40

Well I am going out to vote in the senate run off today between Saxby Chambliss and Jim Martin. This morning a small discussion happened between myself and my roommate. at a point I spoke of socialistic plans that democrats may have an easier time enacting if they have this 60th seat and the roommate tells me he wishes I would quite using that Socialist term and goes on to tell me why. He claims the Republicans were the ones in power and responsible for the bail out that has happened which he deems as socialistic.

So lets go through what I know about which party is in control of what for the last two years.

Presidency: Republicans
Senate: Democrats have the Majority
Congress: Democrats again have the Majority.

From what I understand the President has power to change the economy only by signing or vetoing budget bill and other bills sent to him by the senate and Congress. While he can push all he wants for certain plans in the end all he can do is either agree or disagree with what Congress and the Senate want. The congress and the Senate are the two political bodies that really create all the laws in this country. Currently the bail out may have been something bush wanted as a way to help the countrys economy it was passed by both the congress and the senate with a resounding Majority. That means both sides were in support of it within Congress and the Senate.

I have read news lately on how both the Senate Majority leader and the congressional Majority leader are wanting to expand the current Bail out by yet another 800 billion. While I am not sure of all the facts on this I am pretty damned sure I do not want to see that happen. Why should our Government be the ones to pick and choose what business fail or succeed. I am more in favor of a Republican Congressman from Texas who has a plan I think will work better than what is currently happening.

This plan is pretty simple in nature and places the Economic Stimulus into the hands of the tax payers. His plan is instead of using the Remaining 350 billion in the current bail out by letting the Government choose who gets the money. We instead have a two month tax holiday on federal payroll taxes. This means no Social security taxes paid no federal withhold either. Basically for two months you get your entire paycheck with no federal taxes taken from it. Part of the plan is that the IRS can not back tax you for that period either. Now understand this plan is just that a plan. It is not a proposed bill in Congress or the Senate yet, but just an idea, but I am sure it will never get past a bill proposal for some reason or another.

Ok back to the original point of this posting and that is over the senate seat race here in Georgia. I am personally in favor of not allowing any one party have the Presidency and a super Majority in both Congress and the Senate. The reasoning is simple. If this ever happens that gives a two year point that what ever party is in that position to do exactly what the party wants. Most of the time this will cause the growth of Government, which has happened anyways,but do we want to see unrestrained policy making by one side or the other? I sure do not. I really do not want to see the Democrats get an opportunity to possibly do things like nationalized Medicine or for then for get the bill they are pushing to take away the private ballot vote when it comes to organizing Unions. The point of having the three branches of our Government was to place checks and balances on each area of the Government.

So go out today Georgia Voters and cast your vote on the Senate Runoff.

I am casting my vote in the way that will hopefully limit a single party control of our government.
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