No fun in the sun and Leg Pain

Oct 21, 2008 21:33

Well I have been trying to get to the bottom of a spot on my leg that has been about since about April of this year. So far a topical medicine was tried after a biopsy that was taken in two spots of the thing on my leg. Now that the topical did not work they took two more biopsy samples of it that were an inch deep now and about 1/4 diameter. So now I will defiantly have a scare on my leg. BTW yes my leg hurts like hell currently. I am now also on a Antibiotic that has an interesting warning.

"You should avoid prolonged or excessive exposure to direct and or artificial sunlight while taking this medication"

I guess this means that because my job has me in direct sunlight a lot, I should hole up and not work for two weeks? Actually the plan is to see what happens if I am not too sore after m,y last day off this week on wed. If I have to I will cover up and use a lot of sunscreen to prevent anything as the fine details basically say I will burn easy while on it. Well here comes the fun and I hope that when the Biopsy results come in this time they will have a way to rid me of the issue.
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