On Good Amounts of Heat

Jan 01, 2011 18:21

I made a satay for supper, and I seasoned it with a dried tien tsin pepper I'd grown on one of the pepper plants that thirteenletters had given me. I'd bitten off the end of it to chew, thought, "This isn't so bad," and tossed it in happily, to simmer some spiciness into the sauce. The dish came out very nice, with just a little bite to it rather than an overwhelming heat.

So I decided to put the simmered pepper onto my plate and eat it.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but I did definitely grab a few bites of yoghurt to cut the heat. I could probably grind up another one for a vat of chili, but I don't think I'm going to be eating another whole one, soon.

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