Apr 04, 2009 16:44
I am back down at Camp Oceola for my Campmaster duty. This weekend the weather is a bit nicer, the temps are in the 70°'s but a bit windy. I went over to She She Be and the Point today. I stood on the stone in my bare feet and felt the warmth of the stone seep into my soul. I also go my first really good look at the new Lone Bear Council Ring. It is bigger, of course, but in broad daylight, without people in it - it looks like a amphitheater some hick town built to try and get the Soggy Bottom Boys to play there.
I then went on into Iconium, they have the ice cream machine running! So I was able to get a Peach Nehi Float. Just as good as I remember. I think the real secret to it is using really cheap ice cream.