Scouting Politics Part 2

Feb 05, 2007 22:49

I recently ranted a bit about getting involved in some activities as a Scout Leader are somewhat dependent on who you know. I did end up wrangling an invitation to Camp Master training. Well here is another example...

About 6 years ago I agreed to be a Unit Commissioner for my district. For those of you that don't know, a Unit Commissioner is a person that acts a liaison between a Pack, Troop, or Venture Crew and the District / Council. They act as a resource to the units, and relay information from the higher levels of the organization to them. They also have to sign the unit charter. Generally you are expected to check in with your units monthly and attend a Commissioner meeting monthly. Well when I signed up for this originally, the people running it at that time only gave me "In School" units. These are Troops and Packs that serve as after school programs. As a rule they are run by Para-professionals that are paid to run them. I am a working man and can not get to half a dozen schools every month. As a consequence I never was able to do the job. After a few years of arguing about it, I just quit showing up.

Fast forward three years....

I find that I am still on the official list of Unit Commissioners. The new District Commissioner is the Scout Master of my home unit, the same Troop that hollyking was in as well. So last week he asks me if I am still interested in being a Unit Commissioner. I tell him that I would be interested as long as I get traditional units that I can actually go meet with. Next thing I know I have been given a traditional unit that is close to my home. more meeting each month. Just what I needed. Why I agreed I will never know, I already have Sachem and I don't think any more paint is coming.


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