Dec 27, 2009 22:37
I'm ba~ack. ^^
I had a lovely day. Went to the movies with the folks. They saw a lame chick flick and I saw Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes and Wils-I mean, Watson, bicker like a married.
And yes, I did anticipate that much Ho Yay. And yes, it is because of the HOUSE/Holmes connection. :P I have a new pairing.
Poor Holmes. He was all, "No, don't leave me for a woman! Who will run after me with my gun when I forget it at home and turn off the stove and provide me with clothes to steal! Wait, I know! You should come with me to my brother summer home! Don't bring your wife! ...What do you mean I can't come, it's my brother's place" :(
Is it sad I prowled through the 3 fics on before posting this?