Oct 31, 2004 05:17
I've long felt that power over one's self is intrinsically liberating. I've heard the quote that power corrupts, but I think that refers to power over others (especially when one has no deep-seated respect for individual rights or at least a sense of responsibility). Not anything ground-breaking or original, but it's my opinion.
I've met some people who revealed some nasty aspects of themselves when they were given a little bit of authority. This is pretty much the fundamental reason why I mistrust government assistance. I don't think assistance helps unless it gets the people to a point of successful independence.
I am very aware of all the ways that I've fallen short of this ideal in my own life. But I've made a lot of progress in the last couple years. And I continue to make progress....kicking and screaming all the way. Well, sometimes I mix it up. I try to kick only on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, whereas on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays I scream like a spoiled brat. I feel a great deal of pride for my accomplishments, and I intend to use my shortcomings to spur me on.
Although I continue to get stronger, my proto hernia is acting up and my weight loss has stalled lately. Quarterwolf's going to go on a two-week, low carb diet to get back into the swing of things post-Birthday. I'm going to do the same. Hopefully we can provide some moral support to each other.
To deal with the groin problem, I'm going to discontinue squats for the time being. I'll be getting leg exercise through cardio, so that'll maintain some muscle tone while the area hopefully heals up. I'm going to go a little easier on the cardio as well. Time permitting, I'll also be dividing up each cardio session into four 15-minute sessions (4 sessions per week). That'll be an adjustment, since I'm in the habit of arriving a little more than an hour before the gym closes.
I'm always happy with myself when I make the best of a situation. It's a great life skill. Like Dr. Midas from Morrison's Marvel Boy, I like to turn every situation to my advantage. Maybe I can chat up a pretty girl while I'm sitting at the gym :)