Going over all of my old posts from 2005 and on this evening. Such better days. It makes me sad, my heart hurts and longs for those days of pretty much no stress nor worry. Being able to jump in my truck and take a run up to Port Aransas, to sail aboard the Texas Treasure, or a run up to Jefferson Texas, to enjoy a week in this small historic town or just to go somewhere WHEN I WANT TOO!! Those days are long gone. I'm stuck here in this house, and lucky if I can do anything these days. I am blessed and thankful that my dad left me the area of land on his property to do the Spot Fishing Rental. This won't always be what I do, but I know with out a shadow of a doubt that this is his way of watching over me from heaven. I miss the days living in Rio Hondo, I miss my dad, I miss the life I had back then.
I am not happy these days, no one truly knows the sadness with in my heart, or the struggle I deal with. At home, in my personal life and the person I have longed to be with for the past 4 years, I feel so alone. I am trying to draw closer to God. He has been my strength and through prayer and reading of His word and a loving Church family, I have been able to carry on. I am thankful for those elements in my life. I think of the future and I have no idea what to do. When my mom goes, then what?
So much on my heart and mind. I am thankful I will be able to go to church tommrow. I better get to sleep, try to anyways. God has a purpose in all things I guess, I need to understand that purpose in this storm I am going through.
Some of my most cherished memories is aboard this ship below, the M/V Texas Treasure!