New Start

May 18, 2018 15:05

well here I am on livejounral again.  So much has changed since the mid 2000s when I started this journal.  It would take me a book to catch up.  Some highlights though.

* Backslid for some time, but came back to Jesus Christ a few years ago.
* My dad passed away a few years ago. 
* Created a business called "The Spot Fishing Rental" where I rent out fishing spots to folks.
* My mom got sick in 2017, had a stroke, which effected her left side.  She's mostly bed bound these days and I am the full time caregiver.

Anyways,that's my life right now, The Spot and my mom.  She suffers from demnintia so I was looking for a journaling app that I could write down her behavior, and then I thought about livejournal and well, here I am back here.  I was going to use this account but decided to make a specific account only for my mom to enter how she is on a daily basis, which I can then show the doctor on her visits.  But I also decided to re-birth this journal and begin adding to it, and blogging.  So here I am. 
2018... 13 years later from my first entries in 2005.

Come with me, one one man's journey, as a child of God, caregiver, and business owner..... my story continues.
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