Apr 20, 2006 09:59
i've spent the last few days trying to think of how to put my life into words. It's not that there is nothing to say- there is plenty going on in my life that i could comment on- but i find it hard to write out exactly how i'm feeling. Or thinking. Or experiencing. Sometimes that happens. In the literary world it's called Writer's Block. i call it Escapism. Well, not really. But it sounded good. Briefly.
i think i've finally come to a point in my life where i accept the inevitable. i'm a Listener. It's what i do. It's what i'm good at. Sit me down, and feel free to let spill everything that's going on in your life (or in your thoughts... or in your heart). Consider me your vocal sponge, your emotional outlet, your trusted ear. It's fine. No really- i'm not even thinking the song! i've listened to a lot of friends over the years, and sometimes i wonder why. i don't give very good advice. While i can empathize with the situation, i usually have no personal understanding of what's been going on. i think it's because i'm content to sit and listen. Or because something about the way i listen, inspires people to trust me? i really don't understand it. But, i guess that's a good thing. i'm a Listener. So, please use me; vent at me; allow the words to pour from you if you can not keep them in. It's fine. i'll listen if no one else will. i'll even listen if i'm the nth billion person you've said it too.
In other news, i love punctuation! i really do, especially when i use it completely incorrectly!!! It makes typing exciting- knowing that i can throw in a hyphen just because i feel like it! I also love this time of the spring! Every morning i get to walk to work under a blue sky, the sun shining on brilliant green grass, the buds on the trees open just enough to show a hint of green on the boughs! i love spring! i need to go hiking soon. i feel it calling me...