Apr 07, 2006 14:47
A little late on the uptake, but i thought i'd do the truths and lies meme. Below is a list of 7 truths and 7 lies. Guess which is which in a comment. i'll post the answers in a week. Let's see what people know about me:
1. i once led a 50 person war protest at my campus' student center.
2. i taught myself to read at age 4.
3. The summer before my senior year of high school i competed in the US National Envirothon competition- held in Nova Scotia, Canada.
4. My first stage role (outside of elementary school plays) was as a singing, red bird.
5. i have performed at the Hartford Civic Center and the Bushnell on multiple occasions.
6. Despite failing one quater of AP Chemistry, i passed the AP exam with a 4.
7. i competed in a wet tee-shirt contest while on Spring Break in Daytona FL.
8. i wrote my first musical setting of another person's poetry at age 11 (Menolly's song from Dragonsinger).
9. i once co-wrote and performed in a short musical about Deer Hunting.
10. My original major was Political Science with a plan to go into politics.
11. In high school, i was used by the faculty as the crazy announcement girl because i would announce things in an entertaining/crazy manner to attract attention to the announcment. Most students had no clue it was me.
12. i am morally opposed to tattoos. i think it's wrong to permanently mark your body.
13. i was accepted to Yale, but couldn't attend because of the cost.
14. i dressed up for the midnight opening of Star Wars Episode II, but fell asleep during the show beecause the movie was so damn boring.