Acting Update

Oct 01, 2008 11:49

Well, I finally had a casting director tell me I was too fat to get work as an actor in this town. I suppose it was only a matter of time. Of course she didn't say it that way, but the gist was there. She definitely told me I needed to lose weight. I knew that it would be harder for me to make a living at it with my current body type, but it still kind of hurt to hear it from someone else. But I didn't cry.

She also said that joining AFTRA while not being a SAG member was a mistake for this area, and I'm actually inclined to agree with her on this point. I have had to pass by a fair number of television/commercial jobs that actually would have paid some kind of money because it wasn't union. This area just doesn't have that many AFTRA jobs. I am going to contact the local office to see about going on hiatus with them.

I really don't know how much stock I should take in this lady, but she is the most successful casting agent in Washington, DC.

Anyway, now that I have my bicycle, I need to start using it on a daily basis. I'd like to say that if I actually stick to a plan this time around it wasn't because some mean old casting lady told me I was fat, but who the fuck cares why, if I actually do it. It's not like there aren't serious health reasons for me to lose weight - I'm taking goddamn blood pressure meds at age 43 for God's sake.

In other news, I am in a film called "We Were Young Once" that is a 30-40-minute festival short. I play a hotel clerk that is "somewhat comic relief, but also helps one of the other characters become a more laid back person through example" sort of thing. We are filming at a hotel and the beach in Ocean City, MD, though my scenes are just in the hotel lobby. It will be the farthest I've had to travel for a shoot location by nearly a factor of four. It looks to be a fun experience.
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