Here's a great article about
What To Wear, that avant-garde opera I worked on for CalArts. It even has a picture from the show, which if nothing else, you should go look at. In the picture, you can kinda see these plexiglass panels hanging between the audience and the stage - so the story goes that Richard decided he wanted plexi panels and the technical directors busted their asses to get it all together as soon as possible, spending loads and loads of money in the process. The panels go up and Richard decides that he doesn't really like them after all. The panels come down. Another day of rehearsal, Richard decides he wants the panels after all. And the panels go up again. Richard Foreman is a mad, mad genius.
The PM and I are seeing the show on Sunday evening after my matinee. I'll be interested to see how much of the action has changed since I last saw any of it, about a month ago. I may even end up having dinner at his place, which could be interesting, seeing as The Boyfriend and I are no longer getting along. If he's even there, which he may not be. I hope.
Two and a half days to opening in Moorpark. We added several tricks last night, including that tightrope walk of death, but there's still stuff missing. Mainly, costumes. Apparently, the costumer and her assistant are triple booked and totally didn't think that doing a circus musical where everyone has at least two costumes, if not four, would take up all available time. Because of them, and oh, do I blame them, we started two hours late last night and couldn't finish the run-through. I felt like I spent most of the night running around trying to figure out how long everyone needed before we could start and prodding people to hurry. Oh well. Tonight, Act Two, and it's only forty minutes long, so here's to hoping.
ETA - avast, ye!