I'm the only handler to my life.

Feb 10, 2013 21:40

To be honest, I don't like to be scolding anyone through the internet. I ramble a lot, yes. However, please do not mix up my quotes with me scolding anyone. And lemme say this, I will get mad if you ever think that I target my quotes towards you. It was really more of a fact and a reminder to myself that I control my own life. I do not want others to try to intrude my space in order to manipulate me.

You should never assume it is about you, until you come to me and clarify. There was really no need to express it to the public if it's between you and me. Why? Was there a need for assumptions and POST IT ON THE INTERNET before you come to me and actually ask "errmmm...Hey? Was that post about you?" Sure, I am making assumptions too but it was very clear since you were saying that I was targeting towards you.

Really, was there a need to show it to your own friends who do not know me and make unnecessary judgments about me? There's really no need to. If it's something between you and me, settle it privately. Do not post such things to your Facebook and make me feel guilty that I think I blamed you for this certain act. Sure, I can get angry if I realised your intentions of those actions.

I like handling my own life, I don't need someone to say that I'm running my life wrong and I should run it his/her way. As a friend, you can point my mistakes but not telling me that I should be like doing this instead of that. Life is about mistakes, no one is perfect. Yes, you can be a perfectionist but never perfect. It's all these mistakes that helped to gain experience. I really think that you are nobody to have a say in meddling my affairs. Who the fuck are you to think that you have the say in something like "Oh, I think you're running your life wrongly. You should be more like me, so you can be more attractive and be more welcoming to strangers." That's not the way I want to run my life.

I got upset that you think that you made me feel like I have a need to clarify my thoughts to you. Let me just tell you this, you're not important enough to actually think that and poke your nose into my affairs. So let's just leave it at this state. We shall not question one another and not intrude into anyone's personal space. 

2013, rambles, life

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