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Aug 29, 2006 00:32

Ambulateto walkAmputation loss of all or part of a limb.Aritifical Limba type of prosthesis that replaces a missing body part.Bilateralboth sides Contractureshortening of a muscle or tendon over a joint - this limits the movement of the jointDoffing the act of taking something off (a prosthesis, a stump sock, a stump shrinker).Donningthe act of putting something on (a prosthesis, a stump sock, a stump shrinker)Edemaswelling of body part caused by too much fluid in the tissue.Endoskeletal Prosthesis an artificial limb that is a pipe system with a soft foam coverExoskeletal Prosthesisan artificial limb with a hard outer shell Ischial tuberosity
(I.T. bones)the bony areas on the buttocks (the "sitting or bum bones") that may get sore when sitting on a hard surface for long periods of time.Linera soft interface between the stump and socketLower Limbthe hip, thigh, leg, ankle and foot (also referred to as lower extremity).Neuromaafter surgery a nerve may continue to grow producing an area which is tender on pressure.Phantom Painthe feeling of pain in the missing limb. This pain may feel like stabbing, burning, squeezing or unnatural positioning.Phantom Sensation the feeling that the amputated limb is still present.Prosthesisan artificial body part to replace a missing limb.Residual Limbthe remaining part of the limb after amputation, also called the “stump”.Sheatha thin nylon prosthetic sock (0 ply) that allows the stump to slip more easily into the socketSleeve a tube of material that suspends the prosthesis, by sticking to the socket and thighSocketthe hard shell part of the prosthesis that fits over the stumpStumpthe remaining part of the limb after amputation, also called the residual limb. Stump Shrinkeran elastic sock worn on the stump to help reduce swelling and to shape the stump for a better prosthetic fit.Stump Socka special sock worn with the prosthesis to provide a cushion between the skin and socket or to fill in space between the liner and the socket.Suspensionany method used to hold the prosthesis onto the body Terminal Devicea device attached to the end of an upper extremity prosthesis (hook or hand)Upper Limbthe shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand (also referred to as the upper extremity).

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