Jun 27, 2008 10:39
Maybe Im reading too much into it...
Yesterday I had a crazy dream about Matt, he was kissing all over me and wanting me back, but me and Dave lived with him and Dave walked in on Matt kissing me and ran off and I tried to stop Matt so I could talk to Dave and it ended up being me having to choose between the two of them (which is kind of weird seeing thats what the pshcic told me I was going to have to do). So Ive learned not to dwell over these dreams b/c I dream about him a lot and I take it for what it is a sream, but this one was just more intense then the others, and Ive never had a dream about the both of them.So I went to a bar with Dave last night, and at the bar you can sign on a dollar bill and the tape it around the bar, so theres a lot of them. I was just sitting drinking my beer when I saw one of the dollars signed by "MATT" didnt think much of it. Then I saw one that said GO BUCS and had a bucs falgged drawn on it, it just looked so much like something he would do, even though Im sure he didnt do it. And then I saw one that said "Alicia loves Matt" and just thought thats weird too. Mine name starts with an A and I would totally have done something like this. Yes all these thought were very silly of me, but when we got home Dave asked me a question about Matt, which he never does and if we talk about him or the old house he NEVER says his name we'll just say the old house or something. I just thought it was a very weird night.I know looking too much into it.