Sakura-Con 2009 Picspam Extravaganza (Saturday)

Apr 14, 2009 05:41

I got to meet Aaron Dismuke (Alphonse Elric, bitches!)!! *sigh* Nice, talented, and cute. Why does he have to be only 16 dammit?! Not to mention the fact that he probably lives all the way down in Texas too, but still… (the guy in the black jacket’s just whoever was in the autograph line ahead of us, ignore him):

Here’s me with Aaron. I’m not comfortable putting my picture on the internet, even though it’s probably on there somewhere anyway due to cosplay photos, so please excuse my putting something over my face. At least I’m censoring myself in the most otaku-ish way possible though. Disappointed in myself for not wearing my Ed costume with the automail today since I was using it again because he was coming, but I only remembered how annoying and uncomfortable it was on Friday:

Speaking of my [damned] automail, here’s a pic of me with Vic Mignogna from Sakura-Con 2007 so you can at least see it (same deal with the Laughing Man logo, sorry):

And here is what I now have both of their autographs on (actually have Caitlin Glass’ (Winry Rockbell) autograph from last year too, but it’s on my con badge since I didn’t know she would be at the same autograph session Vic was doing):

This is the awesome Seras Victoria from the cosplay contest (can you believe she only won in the novice category?!). And you have to admire her for that prop because of not only how amazing it looked, but because it was so heavy too. I’ll put videos of some of the skits and whatnot in another post later:

These are the pair of Captain Falcons who did one of the Smash Bros. skits:

This is the group that did the ‘Sora the Explorer’ skit that won best in show. They were absolutely brilliant and I hope they keep doing more skits for the cosplay contests:

The best Eva cosplayers I’ve ever seen at Sakura-Con:

I know the girl is from Soul Eater, but the guy (yes, that’s a guy) I have no idea. Said he was some sort of butler in their skit?:

Don’t know who she is either, but the outfit’s cute. Looks like some kind of demonic Strawberry Shortcake character to me:

Also cute? The little girl cosplaying as Gir:

What anime convention is complete without some boys in drag? Wonder if this means there were a female Kyon and Itsuki running around somewhere…:

Ran into Hangry and Angry in their kitty costumes as we were leaving Aaron Dismuke’s autograph line (went to their concert that night too, but cameras weren’t allowed, so I’ll put the song they did at the cosplay contest up with the skits):

I’m pretty sure the one in white is from Naruto, and I think the one on the floor is from Hellsing, but don’t ask me what they were doing, as I haven’t the damnedest clue. Funny though. (also, filename actually says ‘doing god knows what' but Photobucket cut it off in an… interesting place):

Mia Fey and Godot objecting to something in the dealer’s room:

Pretty fairy I think she said was from a Nene Thomas (?) painting:

Shadow!Sora from Kingdom Hearts:

I don’t know what it is, but it looks like a cross between Star Wars, Zelda, and some Legos:

Wanna buy some Pocky?:

A guy we were told by someone else was Jigen from Lupin III, but we still don’t know for sure (we don’t really care all that much, we just like his gun and the tiara on his hat):

A gothic aristocrat (think that’s what it’s called) group:

And some regular goth girls:

The Ichigo and Shirosaki kids that had trouble posing close enough with the swords like that to fit in frame for people taking their picture:

Some guy willing to carry around a coffin all weekend, and for that he should be admired:

The FMA doujinshi I got that makes me want to learn to sew, just so I can cosplay that outfit (You don't know how many hours I've already spent thinking about how to re-do my automail as a vinyl sleeve so it'll go under the top! I’m even willing to carry around the mop for 3 days, I don’t care!):

Dante from Devil May Cry:

Ash and Pikachu (I still want Pika!girl’s gloves):

Prepare for trouble, and make it double! (Blasting off again would also probably hurt less than those heels, ouch):

Davy Jones and Captain Jack Sparrow:

And the two pirate captains seen here again with Princess Peach (hey, it still makes more sense than the Rorschach I saw waliking down the street with Sailor Moon earlier that day):

To finish off Saturday, here’s Aerith and Cloud-in-drag from FFVII (and from the most fun part of the whole game at that!):

cosplay, tv, wtf, squee, fullmetal alchemist, video games, this is made of win, phoenix wright, anime, my real life omfg, pokémon, manga, fangirling, movies, bleach, lol, music

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