Companions in miniskirts? Surely the universe is doomed. DOOMED, I tell ya!

Mar 25, 2010 07:24

The Daily Mail is upset over Amy Pond's wardrobe

(Going through the Doctor Who News Page instead of a direct link since it lists the most 'relevant' (I use this term loosely) points and counter-points without you having to scroll through a bunch of other stuff about British politics and whatnot that may or may not actually have anything to do with you.  They have the direct link in their post if you want it.)

Basically, some crazy woman writing a column is upset that the Doctor's new travelling companion likes to wear miniskirts, and that both Karen Gillan and Matt Smith have called her 'sexy'.  She's annoyed because DW is a 'family show' and shouldn't have anything to do with that.  Which would be a fair point if this was a sudden, wild change from what the show's usually like.  Or the audience was mostly made up of children and not adults.  Or if we were back in time just before/as/after the miniskirt was invented and it was a new-and-exciting/shocking-thing, but...


First off, lady, since this is the shorter part of my nitpicking of your incredibly uninformed complaint, why the hell are you even mad about people saying a character is sexy?  Karen isn't allowed to feel good about herself/her character?  Matt isn't allowed to give her/them a compliment?  Interesting notions of self-esteem and admiration you've got there...

Second, I can actually understand that you have no idea how people have viewed the companions as sexy since the show started in the 60s (or the Doctors, at various points in time depending on the tastes of who you ask, for that matter).  It's hard to notice obvious things about a show you've clearly never watched.

Note to future journalists, or people writing non-fiction of any sort: Fact-checking is your friend.  You won't look like an idiot (a blatant one, anyway), and it'll be that much harder for others to call you as such.  Sarah Jane Smith would be ashamed of you, Ms. Pearson.  I know that going through nearly 50 years worth of any tv show isn't exactly feasible just for a small section of one column, believe me, I find it a bit daunting and I'm just watching it for my own entertainment, but would it have killed you to just watch a little bit of the new series before going and making a fool of yourself?  If you had, you'd have seen: Rose wearing a miniskirt on at least one occasion, pretty much any scene with Captain Jack (Defabricators- they do what it says on the tin! [tm]), Shakespeare hitting on Martha, the unexpected naked clone!Doctor, all the Master/Doctor bondage porn this past Christmas & New Year's, etc.  Tl;dr-- you never watched a show that's been full of sexy things for as long as it's existed with no one complaining, your argument that it shouldn't 'become' sexy is invalid.

On the other hand, if she's this upset by short skirts and flattery, it might be a good thing she couldn't be arsed to fact-check.  Peri's bikini from 'Planet of Fire' would probably have made her cry, and if she'd watched Torchwood to see the 'Cyberchick with metal boobs' she's so afraid of showing up someday, her head most likely would've exploded.  Which reminds me, I forgot to make myself a 'schadenfreude' tag last time I posted.  *does so*

*sigh*  Seriously, this kinda shit is why boys think we don't know anything about sci-fi/comics/video games/insert-other-generally-awesome-things-here.  Thanks for reinforcing that, bitch.

need explanation for this bullshit plz, torchwood, cosplay, wow you suck, tv, wtf, unexpected naked jack, i am a sad panda, the downfall of modern civilization, doctor who, bitching

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